Sunday, July 14, 2019

Proof Positive

(For Edward Abbey)

In the desert

The searing desert

The desert with its waves

A sea of hidden color melding into an ocean with no relief of water

Turbulence that swallows the whole

I hold a picture taken in morning shadows of hanging grapes against morning fog on the sea

 I look at it, and see me and you

"Goddamn, we were here
There we are"

Cave paintings
raw and muted colors
markings from scrapings of rock against rock

Everybody trying to leave a scraping somewhere that is recognized
embraced as real
as beauty

Stood at Donner Pass yesterday on July 13 ... my dyslexic 65th birthday

Rather, I sat in my car looking out the window over Donner Pass

 Hurts less to not move and look

Think Moses felt that way?

The wagons of the Dead are long gone
as are the cannibals with the will to survive

All that remains
is the color of the lake
the formations of rock 
the sky 
the trees 
all inviting one
to rest
to recline into free fall

Fading shadows of the encroaching Nevada desert circle me
scattering my memories and sense of self

But morning returns and desert air enters and departs at will

Here I am
Cave painting on the desert floor
Donner Pass behind me
along with the muddled fog on the sea

~ zjm
14 July 2019